Bar Exam Study Schedule Calendar (UBE States & California Only)


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***************************************************(PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASE)************************************************************

Choose this Calendar if would like us to make a calendar for you for the February or July Bar Examination (in UBE states and California only). If you are not taking the UBE bar examination or you are not taking the California Bar Exam please do not select this product. This calendar covers 3 months (12 weeks) leading into the first day of the bar exam.

At Checkout: Please be sure to provide the STATE where you will take the bar examination.  Please be sure to indicate whether you will taking the FEBRUARY Bar Examination or the JULY Bar Examination. Please be careful to provide your correct email address which is where we will email your custom calendar.


– Please let me know which state bar exam are you taking?
– Which specific day do you plan to start?
– Is there a time in the morning that you can devote 1.5 to 2.0 hours (Monday through Friday)? If so what time?
– Can you study for an hour during lunch (Monday through Friday)?
– What is the earliest time each evening when you can start studying (Monday through Friday)
– Can you study all day on Saturday and Sunday or is the study time the same as Monday through Friday?


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